
Visitation request: Should you consult a lawyer?

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Child Custody on Wednesday, January 22, 2020.

It can be difficult to make decisions about what is best for a child. Recently, Missouri grandparents reached out to a psychologist that answers questions in a local newspaper. The grandparents are in a situation faced by many parents and legal guardians, and their quandary suggests that when it comes to a request for visitation, it may be advisable to utilize the legal system.

The grandparents have had custody of their granddaughter for a few years now. They state that the behavioral issues she displayed upon arrival have improved somewhat since coming to live in their home. Her parents were not providing a stable and nurturing environment, and the grandparents decided to ask a court to grant them custody, which the court did.

Now, the child’s father is asking to visit the child. The grandparents naturally sympathize because he certainly misses his daughter, but they are concerned that contact with either parent at this time may cause the child to act out. They consulted a therapist and a newspaper columnist, but neither could do more than offer points to consider when making such a decision.

Missouri residents facing a similar conundrum may want to contact an attorney. Parents and guardians can place such a decision in the hands of the court, and a judge can look into various aspects of the custody situation to make a legally binding determination concerning visitation. It may be difficult to tell a relative he or she cannot visit a biological child, but a court is a neutral entity that can help all interested parties understand what arrangement is in the current best interest of a child. Where applicable, a court can provide a biological parent with steps he or she needs to take before a visitation arrangement is agreed upon.

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