
Jermaine Jackson’s wife requests support in high asset divorce

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in High Asset Divorce on Monday, June 27, 2016.

Some Missouri couples may relate to Jermaine Jackson’s recent legal woes. The music star’s third wife has filed for divorce. Often times, a divorce includes a request for spousal support when one of the spouses claims to be financially unstable. The court has the final say in such circumstances, and legal advice is typically beneficial to anyone facing such issues since laws and guidelines vary by state.

Jackson married his soon-to-be former spouse in 2004. The two faced allegations in court on another occasion in 2015. At that time, it seems an altercation may have turned physical, with claims that Jackson spit on his wife, Halima Rashid. In turn, she was arrested and accused of biting her husband, but the case was eventually dismissed by the court.

After filing for divorce, Rashid submitted a request for spousal support. This is not uncommon when one spouse determines a need for continued financial assistance in order to make ends meet moving forward in a new, separate life. Especially in situations where one spouse has given up a career or has stayed at home to raise children, it is often difficult to maintain an accepted standard of living given the abrupt lifestyle and financial changes that often accompany divorce.

Those in Missouri with large assets and significant net worth may have much at stake in a high asset divorce. Such situations are often intensely personal and evoke high emotions on both sides. In order to keep stress levels as low as possible, it is advisable to act alongside competent legal instruction when addressing such matters in court.

Source:, “Jermaine Jackson’s wife files for divorce“, June 23, 2016

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