
Those in Missouri facing high asset divorce may agree with study

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in High Asset Divorce on Tuesday, August 23, 2016.

A recent study was conducted in a state outside Missouri that analyzed divorce data covering a span of 14 years in several counties. Some of that information most likely involved data from more than one high asset divorce. The results of the study were recently presented at an American Sociological Association conference, and they suggested a link between divorce filings and seasonal traditions of families.

It appears that many couples delay their plans to end their marriages in court when birthdays, holidays and family vacation times roll around each year. The authors of the recent study say the reason for this is that such celebrations often inspire couples to believe they can resolve their problems. However, after spending extended time together on vacation, many end up feeling more stressed afterward than they were before.

Some say there is a “let down” associated with the time just after returning from vacation. In situations in which there is already a communication breakdown, this period of time may place couples at risk for divorce. A logical step to take when considering filing for divorce is to arrange a consultation with an experienced family law attorney to discuss the issue.

Especially in cases of high asset divorce, couples will want to make certain they have clear understandings of all state and federal laws that govern such matters. Whether one files for divorce before or after a family vacation, in either situation, it is typically best to act alongside effective representation. Missouri couples may want to review recent findings before making any final decisions.

Source:, “Summer Vacations Can Lead to Divorce“, Ben Steverman, Aug. 22, 2016

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