
Child support issues some Missouri parents face after divorce

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Paternity/Child Support on Wednesday, February 3, 2016.

When marriages in Missouri or elsewhere end in divorce, former spouses often continue to face legal challenges surrounding issues that concern the future care and upbringing of their children. A recent article discussed issues that seem to have particular bearing on decisions regarding children’s futures after divorce. Both men and women typically benefit from seeking legal guidance and support concerning matters involving child support, custody and visitation arrangements.

In Missouri, child support payments are calculated by using statutory guidelines. The primary income of each parent, projected child-care related expenses, health care costs and other information are taken into consideration. Many single parents request continued possession of the marital home in order to maintain a familiar atmosphere to help children adjust to family changes. This often presents a tremendous financial challenge to those whose incomes may not be sufficient to make ends meet.

In such situations, it is often beneficial for a custodial parent to consider the presumptive amount of child support the court is likely to order when attempting to create a new household budget. In addition to child support, the court sometimes orders spousal support. Otherwise known as alimony, this can be used to help fill in the financial gaps when a single parent’s full-time income is not enough to cover the costs of reasonable needs that include mortgage payments, taxes and home maintenance.

Single parents facing child support or spousal support issues in Missouri will want to examine their own financial strategies and minimize debt wherever possible. If one is unable to come to an agreement with a former spouse, it is possible to retain legal assistance in the matter by contacting an experienced family law attorney in the area. An attorney can clarify state law and provide information that can help in making informed decisions designed to protect one’s best interests in court

Source:, “STL Moms – Important divorce advice for perspective single mothers“, Feb. 1, 2016

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