
Judge grants star athlete Deandre Jordan overnight custody rights

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Fathers’ Rights on Tuesday, December 13, 2016.

Not all family law situations involving children have to do with married couples. Nowadays, many battles over custody rights arise between single persons in Missouri or elsewhere who are co-parents of the same child or children. Such is the case for basketball superstar DeAndre Jordan and the mother of his 1-year-old son.

Knowledgeable sources say Jordan was reduced to tears after a recent court hearing where he learned he had been granted the right to host sleepover visits with his son. Prior to that courtroom victory, the child’s mother had sought sole custody. Although Jordan will likely only have a couple of overnight visits per month, he appeared overjoyed with this new development in the case.

These two parents are scheduled to return to court in March 2017. For now, the basketball superstar is happy to have at least been given some custody rights to his son. The judge who granted these rights to Jordan also made it clear that neither parent is permitted to consume any alcohol or drugs within eight hours of spending time with the child.

In Missouri and all other states, the court is typically of the opinion that it is always best for a child to have ample time with both parents barring any extenuating circumstances that might suggest this would not be in the child’s best interests. If a parent is facing challenges regarding custody rights and wishes to seek guidance in the matter, a request for a consultation can be made through a family law office in the area. Each situation is different and a concerned parent may increase the chances of obtaining a positive outcome by allowing an experienced attorney to provide representation in court.

Source:, “Baby Mama Drama: Here’s the Ruling on DeAndre Jordan’s Emotional Custody Battle“, Accessed on Dec. 12, 2016

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