
Protecting paternal rights in a Missouri custody dispute

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Fathers’ Rights on Tuesday, December 6, 2016.

Gone are the days when the court automatically awards custody of a child in divorce to a mother. In fact, a court in Missouri (as all other states) is typically of the opinion that children fare best when given ample amounts of time with both parents. As such, many fathers find themselves battling to protect paternal rights when it comes to the future care and upbringing of their children after divorce.

It is typically necessary to officially establish paternity in order to protect paternal rights. When the court is making decisions regarding primary placement of children post-divorce, it considers various factors to determine what situation would be in keeping with their best interests. It is often possible for fathers to win full or shared custody of their children as most judges appreciate the noble efforts of fathers who want to fully participate in their children’s lives.

In some situations, a father may need outside help to protect paternal rights. This is especially true when unfounded child abuse accusations have been made or other allegations that may thwart a father’s chances of obtaining physical or legal custody. State and federal laws that govern such matters are often complex; an experienced family law attorney is able to simplify the terminology to help fathers make informed decisions regarding their particular situations.

Any father in Missouri facing challenges regarding paternal rights (whether the situation pertains to divorce or not) may contact the Stange Law Firm, PC, for guidance. We applaud you for wanting to maintain an active role in your children’s lives. Your family goals are a priority to our dedicated team of attorneys who will remain by your side throughout the process of seeking swift and amicable solutions to your problems.

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