
Protecting fathers’ rights in Missouri

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Fathers’ Rights on Monday, August 29, 2016.

Various circumstances can affect child custody issues in Missouri. Typically, these matters can be amicably addressed when both parents want what is best for their children and are willing to negotiate and compromise to achieve an agreeable plan. If a mother opposes the idea of a biological father retaining custody, she may challenge his fathers’ rights.

A man who has served in the United States military on active duty in Afghanistan is currently engaged in an ongoing battle over custody of his daughter. The child was conceived during a dating relationship, and the soldier apparently learned of his girlfriend’s pregnancy just before he went overseas. Reportedly, the serviceman’s situation in the desert prevented him from calling the mother of his child, although he did get to view photographs of the baby online.

When the man returned to the States, he says he was shocked when his former girlfriend filed a restraining order against him. He successfully sought to have the order reversed. As soon as the order was lifted, he went to visit his child. Since then, the situation has grown contentious, with the mother filing to have parental rights stripped from the child’s biological father so that her new husband can adopt the girl.

In Missouri, a person whose fathers’ rights are being threatened may seek immediate assistance by contacting an experienced family law attorney in the area. Such situations are often tumultuous and complicated, and acting alongside skilled representation may increase the chances of obtaining a positive outcome. The court is the ultimate authority in such matters, but will often take each parent’s opinion into account; an experienced attorney can advise a client regarding how best to address the situation.

Source:, “Military custody battle and the dad fighting to see his daughter“, Kim Shepard, Aug. 24, 2016

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