
Group of men in state outside Missouri fight for fathers’ rights

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Fathers’ Rights on Wednesday, June 8, 2016.

In Missouri and elsewhere throughout the nation, single fathers are often portrayed in a negative light. Obviously, generalizations of the sort are unfair, since many unmarried fathers are very dedicated and involved in the care and upbringing of their children. The courts in some states, however, still seem to make decisions that favor the rights of mothers or married couples over unwed biological fathers’ rights.

A United States war veteran in another state has joined a group of men in filing a federal class action law suit regarding their rights as biological fathers. The 33-year-old Army Specialist has been fighting a battle over a daughter whose existence was only recently made known to him. He said the experience has added 10 or more years to his life and he plans to continue to fight for his right to be part of his daughter’s life.

Apparently, the man and the girl’s mother were never married. In fact, the woman allegedly told her former boyfriend that the baby had died. She also reportedly said the baby was a boy, not a girl. As soon as the man learned of his daughter’s existence, he took steps to fulfill his role as her biological father. The court in Utah, where the baby was placed for adoption, has denied his attempts, stating that a child is better off being raised by a married couple with no biological relation than by a single biological parent.

The man and 11 other fathers requested $130 million in damages in their federal lawsuit, but the court dismissed their case. The fathers are continuing their legal battles individually. Regulations governing fathers’ rights vary by state. Anyone in Missouri facing legal challenges regarding paternity may seek consultation with an experienced attorney for guidance.

Source:, “Unwed Dads Fight for Fathers’ Rights“, Grant Clark, June 1, 2016

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