
Paternal rights are more than the right to pay for child support

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Paternity/Child Support on Monday, August 25, 2014.

An ancient saying goes, “The end is not always visible from the beginning.” It is still remembered today because in so many of life’s situations, it is true.

Something that began with so much promise may turn out to be very different after the passage of time: it can be as mundane as a purchase decision that became a case of buyer’s remorse or a mistaken career choice. It can also be something much more significant — like a decision to get married and to have children with someone who it turned out you could not spend the rest of your life with.

Divorce in modern society is for many men something they will experience that they never thought would happen. While some sparring with a former spouse over marital assets or spousal support obligations is something that might be anticipated in a divorce, when children are involved, the consequences can lead to some unpleasant surprises for fathers.

In part this can arise from the strong emotions that both parents often have when it comes to the welfare of their children. And in part it can be a legacy of divorce laws that historically have often seemed to treat divorced fathers as little more than wallets.

Although the former of these two factors will likely never change, the latter is gradually evolving to recognize that many fathers want a level of continued involvement with their children that goes far beyond writing a check every month.

Our law firm takes the rights of fathers in divorce and separation cases seriously, with the understanding that we are not just representing them but also the children that matter the most to them. For more information on how we can help to ensure that your rights as a father are legally protected, please take a look at our fathers’ rights page on our website.

If you are a father who is going through a separation or a divorce, you will want a dedicated and knowledgeable advocate in settlement negotiations. This can be even more important if the breakup of a marriage or other parental relationship is interwoven with other considerations for the welfare of the children.

For example, in highly emotionally charged divorces, a father might find himself tagged with accusations such as child abuse or neglect, or the mother taking unilateral actions with regard to custody.

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