
Father begs for help in child custody case

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Fathers’ Rights on Thursday, December 13, 2018.

Missouri parents need only to peruse a daily newspaper or swipe through the day’s headlines online to realize that, in America, dads are winning. In decades past, it was considered the norm for a mother to be awarded physical custody of a child, often through no particular merit of her own. These days, fathers across the nation are fighting for their rights, and their children, and winning child custody cases.

One Missouri father was awarded custody of his young son after it was discovered that the child had illegal drugs in his system while living with the mother. The court agreed that the father could provide a safe, stable environment for the boy. The mother was granted visitation rights, allowing the boy to maintain contact with her.

After one particular visit, the mother failed to return the child. Weeks have passed and authorities are growing evermore concerned because the boy has not attended any school in the area, and no tips and sightings have panned out. The father pleads with the community, asking anyone who can help to please contact local police. This matter is being pursued as a kidnapping.

When a father is ready to establish, modify or enforce a child custody order, he may want to make sure to be prepared for court. An experienced attorney can help a father organize his concerns into a solid argument. Good fathers do their best to make sure children can grow up happy and healthy, and when it comes time to fight for rights in a court of law, it is nice to have a helping hand.

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