
Physical custody may differ for siblings from same family

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Child Custody on Thursday, September 26, 2019.

Many Missouri families may remember the Gosselin kids, a set each of twins and sextuplets, and their parents, John and Kate, from a reality show that was popular years ago. When the show was on the air, viewers tuned in to watch the family, with eight small children at the time, attempt to manage daily life. Though for years, the Gosselins may have seemed like the perfect family, there is truly no such thing, and catching up with the family members today provides a unique perspective on physical custody.

Jon and Kate divorced 10 years ago, and immediately following, Kate was awarded primary custody of all eight children. While it might seem like the norm for one parent to be awarded primary custody of any children from a marriage, this is not the case. Sometimes, one parent can have custody of some of the children, while the other parent has custody of the others.

In the case of the Gosselin brood, the twins are now adults and off at college. The sextuplets, however, are 15 years old and have been split up. Two of the children reside with their father, and the other four with their mother. Jon was awarded custody of two of the children after it became evident they were struggling to thrive under Kate’s care.

Determining physical custody is rarely cut and dry. A Missouri court will consider what arrangement may be in the best interest of each child, not the children as a group. Parents often choose to allow an experienced attorney to help during the legal process of establishing, changing or enforcing child custody. An attorney can help a client explain to the court why he or she can provide the best scenario for some or all of the children in question.

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