
Important facts to know regarding Missouri child support

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Paternity/Child Support on Thursday, September 19, 2019.

As in most other states, many Missouri parents will likely divorce before the year ends. Children’s best interests are always the court’s main focus regarding custody and child support. It is critical that a parent clearly understands state laws and guidelines before filing a petition pertaining to such issues.

When a judge issues a court order for child support, both parents must adhere to the terms. Not paying court-ordered child support can land a parent in jail. However, the court understands that unexpected life events may impede a parent’s ability to keep up with monthly payments, which is why it is possible to request modification if a legitimate need exists.

In Missouri, an initial child support order can be issued through the court or through an administrative process. The latter may only modify orders processed through the administration, known as the Missouri Family Support Division. However, the court can rule on modifications for orders issued by either means.

To show grounds for modification, a parent must be able to prove that his or her circumstances have changed in such a way that the terms of the initial court order have become unreasonable. Unless and until a modification is officially granted, both parents continue to be legally bound to the terms of the initial child support order. An experienced Missouri family law attorney is well-versed in both court issues and administrative polices of the MFSD. A concerned parent may request consultation to seek guidance and support for any legal obstacles that arise.

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