
Calling attention to paternal rights in Missouri

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Fathers’ Rights on Friday, October 11, 2019.

The birth of a child is usually a joyous occasion, and parents in Missouri and beyond typically look forward to the moment when the new baby gets to meet his or her family. There is much to be done to prepare for the birth of a child. In cases where biological parents are not married, establishing paternal rights might be among such tasks.

Recently, a man in another state took his son on a trip and was accused of kidnapping the child. Though he did his best to explain that the trip had been planned and he was the child’s father, authorities took the child back to his mother. The father was arrested, and the court issued an emergency protective order, barring the man from seeing his son.

Desperate to reach out to his son, the man rented billboard space, proclaiming his love for the boy. The man has been outspoken, saying the billboard and his statements are meant to raise awareness that many fathers are encountering challenges regarding parental rights in child custody battles. The man said he wants people to know he is a good father who loves his child and is trying to protect his rights.

Never having been married to a co-parent or being involved in a divorce does not necessarily mean that a father wishes to abdicate his paternal rights or obligations as a parent. If a Missouri father needs help establishing, modifying or enforcing a custody order and protecting his paternal rights, he may want to contact an attorney. An attorney can help a client learn what to expect from the legal process and present his case to the court.

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