
How long will it take to regain child custody?

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Child Custody on Wednesday, May 8, 2019.

Life is unpredictable, and sometimes, a parent can face a situation or set of circumstances in which he or she is at risk for losing custody of his or her children. When this happens, parents may become discouraged quickly, because it can often take a long time to regain child custody. A Missouri parent may feel as if there is little chance he or she will be able to jump through all the hoops necessary to get his or her children back, especially if the parent is struggling with another issue, such as being unemployed, facing addiction, or not having a safe and stable home environment for a child.

One Missouri county is trying to help parents and fast track the process to reunite families faster. A new program renders aid to parents that may just need a little help and guidance to bring a child home. Parents can take advantage of assistance with finding a new job, making sure the house is up to standards, or facing an addiction head-on.

Perhaps, if the new program is successful, similar programs will be offered elsewhere in the state. For now, experts estimate that, once a parent has lost custody, it can take the better part of two years to regain custody. Two years is a long time when considering how quickly children grow, and missing time together can negatively affect both parents and children. A parent should know that, if he or she feels as if he or she deserves to get his or her children back, help is available.

In many cases, an attorney who is familiar with the ins and outs of child custody cases can be a great asset for a parent. Such an attorney can help a parent understand the legal process necessary to fight for child custody, and help a parent make sure his or her ducks are in a row so that he or she can show the court he or she is ready and able to care for his or her children. Loss of child custody is certainly a setback but, in many cases, is not a permanent scenario. There is help and hope for a parent in need.

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