
Missouri visitation laws change in favor of shared parenting

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Child Custody on Tuesday, July 12, 2016.

Missouri couples who have children and are considering divorce will want to obtain information regarding laws that govern such matters. One new piece of legislation, in particular, focuses on the importance of spending time with both parents when it comes to what is best for children whose parents divorce. The new visitation and custody law is set to take effect in late August 2016.

The state representative who sponsored the bill that has now been signed into law stressed the value of shared parenting when it comes to a child’s overall well-being and sense of security after divorce. Historically, fathers have had more difficult times gaining visitation rights and custody of children when marriages are no longer intact. The courts have typically ruled in favor of mothers in such situations.

The new law assumes that joint custody will be awarded to both parents in divorce, unless the court determines otherwise in a particular circumstance. This type of decision eliminates any tendency toward a standardized system and instead allows the court to consider each family situation on a case-by-case basis. Those who support the new law believe it is usually in a child’s best interests to have an ongoing and active relationship with each parent as he or she adjusts to a new lifestyle.

Because every situation is different, a concerned parent might have questions regarding the new visitation and custody laws in Missouri. If so, he or she may contact an experienced family lawyer for answers. Seeking clarification before heading to court is often a key factor toward obtaining a positive outcome.

Source:, “Editorial: New child-custody law will be good for families“, July 12, 2016

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