
Ciara’s parenting plan did not pan out in court

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Child Custody on Thursday, May 19, 2016.

Celebrities are no strangers to the legal challenges that often plague non-public figures regarding child custody issues. Popular singer Ciara and her former fiance, Future, are evidence of that. They are currently engaged in a parenting plan battle over their son in a state outside Missouri.

According to the child’s mother, rapper star Future, who is the child’s father, has not been involved in his son’s life. Meanwhile, Ciara has apparently made plans to marry another well-known star, Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson. Ciara had initially petitioned the court for sole custody of her 1-year-old son.

However, the court seems to have viewed the situation differently. A judge reportedly determined that it is in the toddler’s best interest to be placed into joint custody with his parents. One thing remained unclear when the story hit the press—that is, whether the joint custody was a legal or physical custody.

Legal custody concerns the authoritative decision-making process, particularly, which parent has the final say in major life decisions in a child’s life. Joint legal custody would mean that both parents have the right to make decisions, even a sole decision without consulting the other parent. Physical custody, of course, refers to with whom a child will live.

Surely, there may be parents in Missouri who are facing similar situations. Many times, a parenting plan can be negotiated outside a courtroom. However, in instances where a parent is being uncooperative, it is sometimes best to seek legal assistance and resolve the matter in court.

Source:, “Singer Ciara loses custody battle with ex fiance Future“, May 18, 2016

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