
Seeking legal guidance to develop healthy parenting plan

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Child Custody on Monday, April 11, 2016.

Married couples in Missouri who divorce often face legal challenges concerning important decisions regarding their children. Developing a new parenting plan is typically essential in order to protect the children’s best interests and promote a new lifestyle conducive to their overall emotional and physical well-being. Though both parents may want what is best for their children, the parties may disagree about what that entails.

A parent wanting to help ease a child’s transition into a one-parent household after divorce may find encouragement and advice through a community support group. A parent in such circumstances is advised to speak openly, while tactfully with a child, making certain to emphasize that the divorce was not the child’s fault. Parents are also advised to avoid using children as “messengers” when conveying information about custody, visitation or other important issues to a former spouse.

When developing a new parenting plan, it’s typically best to keep discussions about finances, custody disagreements and other important matters private. Children of divorce may adapt to new lifestyles more easily if parents make an effort to protect their innocence and avoid using them as pawns in their disputes or pitting them against one parent or the other. Doing one’s best to maintain a sense of normalcy in a daily routine may help children rebound from the trauma they often experience when parents divorce.

Anyone in Missouri who wishes to seek legal guidance regarding obstacles that have arisen when negotiating a parenting plan after divorce can contact a family law attorney in the area for assistance. An attorney can help obtain a favorable outcome while protecting a client’s best interests in court. The lawyer would also be able to clarify state statutes and governing family law procedures that have bearing on many parenting issues.

Source:, “Healing 101“, Laura Petherbridge, Accessed on April 11, 2016

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