
Actor Channing Tatum is seeking a shared child custody plan

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Child Custody on Thursday, February 7, 2019.

Missouri parents who are estranged from their spouses understand how challenging life can get regarding their children. Especially if there is no existing court-approved plan in place for child custody, things can get rather complicated quickly, particularly if parents disagree about what’s best for their kids. Actor Channing Tatum has been learning what it’s like to be a single father and says he believes a set schedule for custody would be better for his 5-year-old daughter.

Tatum and his wife have been apart for some time. He is petitioning the court to have custody of his child two days a week, with her mother taking custody for two alternate days and both parents rotating a weekend custody schedule. Tatum has also requested that each parent be granted two weeks of time with their daughter during summer vacations from school. In addition to these requests, the singer/actor also has a specific custody plan in mind for holidays and other special occasions, such as his daughter’s birthday.

Some people might find Tatum’s proposed plan to be a bit extreme, as it clarifies issues, such as exactly what hours of the day are to be spent trick-or-treating with his daughter when Halloween rolls around each year. Others might think it is wise to pay such close attention to details when writing out terms of a shared custody arrangement. It definitely leaves less room for confusion or disputes.

Missouri parents can tailor their child custody agreements to align with their own needs and what both parents agree is best for the children involved. As with all child-related issues in domestic proceedings, the judge overseeing the case has the final voice of authority, whether to approve a plan parents themselves have devised or to step in and make decisions when parents can’t come to an agreement on their own. Any concerned parent currently facing custody problems may seek guidance and support from an experienced family law attorney.

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