
Tips for coping with child custody matters during the holidays

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Child Custody on Thursday, November 22, 2018.

Missouri parents may be among those who assumed the stressful part was behind them when their divorce and custody matters were finally resolved in court. Many parents do not consider that the holiday season can quickly become an emotional burden on their families. The holidays are generally viewed as a time to gather with family and friends, but for those who have experienced a recent change in child custody, it may be difficult to approach the holiday season.

Fortunately, experts offer a few tips to make the holiday season a bit less stressful. They advise that even though a parent may be upset by the fact that a child may not be around on a certain holiday, the parent should focus on the positives. Parents are encouraged to think of other ways to spend their time without their children. A shopping trip or a lunch date with a friend can help pass the time.

Parents are also warned not to make too much of a holiday. It may be helpful to focus on the fact that the child custody order was entered in the best interest of the children involved. If a child is aware that a parent is upset, it may put a damper on his or her holiday excitement. Parents should make plans to utilize the time they have scheduled to enjoy family time and not be discouraged by a specific date on the calendar.

If a Missouri parent wants to establish, modify or enforce a child custody order, they may wonder how to get the ball rolling. A compassionate attorney can help. A lawyer can speak on behalf of a client in court, and offer ongoing support and assistance regarding all child custody issues.

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