
Covid-19 and child support

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Paternity/Child Support on Wednesday, April 15, 2020.

Missouri parents are facing new challenges during the national response to the COVID-19 pandemic. A previous post (“Is your parenting plan ready for COVID-19?,” March 18, 2020) provided information about handling custody issues while kids are home instead of in school. Now, many parents face another issue that affects thousands of families. Child support payments ensure that parents provide financial support, but the public health crisis has many parents in a bind.

One Missouri father made headlines when he expressed concerns that he would fall behind on child support payments while he is unable to work. Many businesses are closed, and employees are either working less hours or not at all. The man explained that he may not be able to afford his regular payments, but did not want his child to suffer due to his own financial hardships. Currently, there is no relief for parents facing similar circumstances.

On the other hand, a Missouri mother explained that receiving timely child support payments from the other parent is more important than ever. Children are spending more time in the home, and parents have to provide meals and materials that were previously supplied by a child’s school. Many custodial parents are home, too, and caring for their children during the hours they used to be at work.

No matter which perspective a parent has regarding the matter, child support is an important legal issue. A parent that needs help establishing, modifying or enforcing a child support order can contact an experienced local attorney. A lawyer can help a client handle such matters efficiently, and provide avenues to pursue resolution of these types of issues in an expeditious manner.

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