
High asset divorce becomes convoluted legal matter

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in High Asset Divorce on Thursday, September 13, 2018.

Ending a marriage can be a complicated matter. Turning one household into two separate ones can take time. In the case of a high asset divorce, there is potential for myriad of snags, especially if unrelated legal matters are unfolding concurrently. A former Missouri couple now stands accused of falsely filing for divorce.

The male spouse was employed with a major food brand, and in the course of his time on the job, he was found guilty of defrauding his employer. The judge in that case ordered him to pay restitution in the amount of $3.9 million. He also served time in prison, then was released under supervised probation.

In the same timeframe, the man and his wife entered divorce proceedings. He was ordered to pay child support and other financial obligations, and the monies needed to meet these obligations were calculated by the court and were not subject to be taken as part of his restitution owed to his former employer. Apparently, the man’s probation officer then discovered the couple was still living together, and they are now accused of filing for divorce under false pretenses.

When a Missouri couple decides to file for divorce, one party may be concerned that the criminal behavior of the other may affect them negatively. In many cases, an experienced attorney can make sure a client is aware of the proper way to handle a divorce as far any applicable laws are concerned. High asset divorce can be complicated, but having a knowledgeable attorney on the team can help a client follow the rules and avoid potential legal trouble.

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