
Kate Hudson’s former husband asks court to review parenting plan

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Child Custody on Thursday, March 2, 2017.

Celebrities who divorce face the same types of challenges that everyday folks in Missouri might when they decide to call it quits in their marriages. In fact, some might say movie stars, singers and others in the limelight have it even tougher because their personal business is often aired in public. Kate Hudson might agree as she makes her way back to court regarding her 12-year-old son whose father has asked the court to re-evaluate their parenting plan.

Hudson and the boy’s father, 50-year-old Black Crowes singer, Chris Robinson, had been married for about seven years before they divorced. At the time, their son was a mere age two. The two had reportedly originally agreed to a shared custody arrangement.

After that, Hudson married another singer from the popular group, “Muse,” Matt Bellamy. The two of them also had a son and ended their marriage in 2014. In a recently filed court document, Robinson has requested that the court re-evaluate his son’s best interests and determine whether a change in custody should be ordered.

Hudson and Robinson were to said to agree to allowing a court-appointed counselor to interview their child. Developing an agreeable parenting plan often takes time and requires compromise and cooperation from both parents. When problems arise, it is usually helpful to rely on experienced representation rather than go it alone in court. In fact, many Missouri family law attorneys are also skilled negotiators who can advocate for a child’s best interests and protect parental rights in the process.

Source:, “Kate Hudson Heads To Court For Custody Battle With Ex-Husband“, Stephen Andrew, Feb. 28, 2017

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