
Seeking family law support when considering divorce

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Family Law on Wednesday, December 21, 2016.

Everywhere one looks, it seems there is always another book or program or expert claiming to know the secrets to maintaining a happy marriage that lasts a lifetime. Those who have gone through divorce in Missouri or elsewhere, however, understand this is not always possible, no matter how good the advice. From couples who have only been married a year or more, to those who have been together for decades, many spouses find themselves in need of family law support when problems remain unresolved for too long.

Those giving advice for building strong marriages often say good communications skills are the key to success. Some compare avoiding problem issues in marriage to hitting a snooze button on an alarm clock. It may be a form of procrastination that proves disastrous to a marriage in the long-run.

Even though it is often difficult to discuss hurt feelings and offenses, it may be better to address such matters in a timely fashion rather than allow anger or frustration to linger. When couples avoid talking to each other in order to evade their problems, it may lead to resentment and distance between them from which it is difficult to recover. Some say that once an emotional wall is built, it may signify the beginning of the end of a marriage.

When a spouse is considering divorce, questions may arise regarding Missouri law or custody-related issues if there are children involved. An experienced family law attorney is able to provide many services to help navigate the process and work toward  a smooth transition to a new lifestyle. To seek answers to divorce-related questions, one may request a private consultation with a family law attorney in the area.

Source:, “Avoiding Divorce: The Marriage Problems You Need to Address Early on“, Patrick Mabilog, Dec. 15, 2016

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