
Where to find help if funds seized for child support

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Paternity/Child Support on Wednesday, November 30, 2016.

Various challenges and complications sometimes surface concerning child-related issues after divorce. A hot topic in this regard is child support. The court makes the ultimate decision of who (if anyone) will pay and how much each payment will be. The system in place for child support in Missouri is by no means error-free, however.

In the past, mistakes have been made within the system regarding child support payments. In some situations, people have been accused of having outstanding payments when, in fact, their payments were actually current. Anyone who has been notified that immediate payments must be sent, or is facing other problems related to requests for payments that are not owed may seek support by contacting Stange Law Firm, PC for guidance.

Most parents are willing to do whatever they can to provide for the financial needs of their children. No parent, however, should have a driver’s license suspended or wages garnished for supposed unpaid child support that is not actually owed. Mistakes like these happen from time to time, and it is typically best to seek assistance from someone adept at navigating the system when attempting to rectify a particular situation.

Stange Law Firm, PC in Missouri is equipped to address all your needs regarding child support and other family law matters. If have questions or concerns about an existing court order, we can help you make sense of the situation and advise you how best to proceed to resolve any troubling issues. By discussing the matter with one of our dedicated attorneys, you can be assured your parental rights will be protected and we will help you pursue a fair and just solution to your problem.

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