
Grandfather has physical custody, child’s mom wants visitation

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Child Custody on Sunday, October 2, 2016.

Life is often complicated and many families in Missouri have experienced domestic issues that have escalated to the point of law enforcement and court intervention. In some situations, physical custody of a child becomes a central focus, especially if a parent has been formally charged with a crime. One mother, who is said to have neglected her infant, now sits in jail while her father takes care of her baby.

The woman was initially being held in jail without bond. However, at some point, the court set bond at $75,000. Following that decision, the woman’s defense attorney submitted a formal request that the amount of bond be lowered.

The baby’s grandfather told the court the infant has been small in size since birth. He also said he would be quite willing to supervise any visits his daughter may be granted with her child while the case remains active. To further complicate matters, the grandfather, who has physical custody of the child, does not have legal custody. That was granted to Child Services, which means that agency is now the final voice of authority regarding important decisions that affect the child’s life.

In Missouri and other states, issues surrounding the care and upbringing of children are not uncommon in households where divorce is occurring. Other situations, such as this one involving a grandfather with physical custody, pertain to extenuating circumstances in family life that have nothing to do with divorce. Either way, such matters are often complex and emotionally charged. In order to avoid angry outbursts and potentially stressful situations, a concerned parent or grandparent may want to act alongside experienced representation.

Source:, “Attorney For Local Mother Accused Of Child Neglect Argues Facts Have Been Misrepresented“, Al Griffin, Sept. 21, 2016

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