
Child custody situation leads to gunfire in a Walmart parking lot

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Child Custody on Wednesday, October 26, 2016.

There are many situations in Missouri where a court intervenes to make decisions regarding the care and upbringing of children. Every child’s best interests are to be kept at heart when determining matters concerning child custody, visitation or support. One incident in another state took place after a grandmother was ordered by the court to deliver her grandchild into the custody of the child’s father.

The woman was apparently very dissatisfied with that decision. On a recent Thursday, just after 3 p.m., she was scheduled to meet her grandchild’s father in a Walmart parking lot. The purpose of the meeting was so that she could obey court orders and release the child into the father’s care.

What followed was not only shocking, but also led to the woman’s arrest. Instead of handing the child over to the father, she is said to have drawn a weapon and opened gunfire upon him. Thankfully, the man was not injured by the gunshots.

The woman reportedly shot her own foot during the incident. She allegedly fled the scene, but police apprehended her a short time later. She was taken to the hospital (where she remained at the time of this writing) and no formal charges have yet been filed (though they are expected). It is somewhat rare for a child custody situation to lead to a gun fight; however, many parents face difficult challenges when fighting for their rights to gain custody of their children. In Missouri, anyone currently in need of support under such circumstances may turn to a family law attorney for assistance.

Source:, “Grandmother opens fire in Randleman Walmart parking lot after losing custody battle to child’s father“, Oct. 20, 2016

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