
Seeking modification of child custody orders in Missouri

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Fathers’ Rights on Thursday, July 28, 2016.

When a Missouri married couple divorces, they often face continued challenges regarding the future care and upbringing of their children. Most parents want what is best for their kids, although each one’s interpretation of what that might be may vary. Sometimes, court intervention is needed to make final decisions. However, even after the court issues an order, life circumstances may change and a parent may need to seek a modification of child custody orders at some point.

Whether a change in lifestyle occurs through an increase or decrease in income, or a custodial or non-custodial parent decides to move to another state, any number of things may necessitate adaptation of a current parenting plan. Filing a motion to modify an existing court order due to a substantial change in circumstances can be complicated and stressful. It is often best to act alongside experienced counsel in such matters.

Missouri law includes particular information and guidelines regarding how to modify custody or visitation orders. At Stange Law Firm, PC, we can offer clarification of the law so that you can make well-informed decisions in your particular situation. Typically, creating a consent order between both parents begins the preparations for altering a pre-existing arrangement. By signing such an agreement, each parent acknowledges that any changes are mutual and enforceable under the law.

Stange Law Firm, PC, in Missouri is committed to helping you protect the best interests of your children as you seek modification of child custody orders or visitation agreements. If you have questions or concerns regarding these or other family law issues, you may call our office to request a meeting. Your children’s immediate and future well-being is a priority to us, and we are prepared to offer experienced counsel and effective representation as you make decisions regarding what is best for your family.

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