
Where to seek clarification on child custody laws in Missouri

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Child Custody on Thursday, April 7, 2016.

Anyone who has recently gone through divorce and is currently facing legal challenges regarding the future care and upbringing of children, may choose to seek experienced guidance in the matter. Child custody guidelines vary by state. A parent in Missouri in need of dispute resolution regarding such issues will want to seek clarification on the custody laws and regulations before proceeding to court.

There are several determining factors that the court will typically consider before making decisions about custody, visitation or child support. Where physical and legal custody of children are concerned, those involved are advised to keep the best interests of their children at heart. When parents have trouble communicating with each other, the interpretation of what each thinks is best may differ, causing disagreements and delays in proceedings.

Parents are encouraged to develop a plan in an amicable fashion that will meet the basic living needs of their children and provide opportunity for them to thrive in a healthy living environment after divorce. Relationships with siblings and extended family members should be considered priorities. The court will ultimately decide if parents will share custody or whether sole custody will be granted to one parent over the other.

In cases where allegations of child abuse exist, the court will determine whether any form of child custody is appropriate under the circumstances. A Missouri family law attorney would be able to advise a concerned parent about state laws or other topics related to court proceedings. Through experienced legal counsel, a parent can obtain clarification necessary to make informed decisions when petitioning the court for child custody.

Source:, “Child Custody in Missouri“, Debrina Washington, Accessed on April 6, 2016

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