
University of Missouri study looks at divorce and social media

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Family Law on Wednesday, April 16, 2014.

Social media websites have revolutionized the way we interact with significant others, friends, family members, and co-workers. Instead of writing a formal email, all you have to do on one of these websites is to open a chat box and type in a brief message. Responses to these messages typically come much faster than standard email. There is no doubt that social media websites, such as Facebook and Twitter, have changed the way we socialize in St. Charles, Missouri, as well as around the globe. However, not all of these changes are having a positive impact on our social lives.

Recently, a student at The University of Missouri School of Journalism conducted a study that sought to discover whether there was any correlation between a couple’s activity on the Twitter platform and its impact on the user’s relationship with their partners.

The study found that the more a couple actively participates in using Twitter, the more likely it may be that the couple will face serious conflicts stemming from interactions online that can lead to adultery and divorce.

Also, according to a recent article published by Time, men are more likely to air their feelings on a social media website rather than sharing their feelings with their partner. They cited that men, particularly those with social anxiety, commonly participate in this behavior because they feel the need to share the news with someone, but wish to avoid conflict with their significant other.

While overuse of electronics can take away valuable time that could be spent with a significant other, these findings should be taken with a grain of salt. The study holds a number of limitations, including a skewed sample, which comprised of only couples that followed the Twitter accounts of those publicizing the study and only couples that regularly utilized the Twitter platform.

One thing to take away: Be careful how often and what you are posting on your social media webpages. Not only could these interactions have an impact on your relationships, but they can often be used as evidence in a divorce proceeding.

Source: Time, “Study Claims People Who Frequently Use Twitter May Be More Likely to Cheat and Get Divorced,” Olivia B. Waxman, April 7, 2014

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