
Dealing with guilty feelings in a post-divorce parenting plan

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Child Custody on Monday, May 8, 2017.

One thing is certain in nearly every Missouri divorce that involves children: Life as a parent is going to change. So many decisions need to be made as a new parenting plan is developed. Where will the children live? Who gets to spend holidays with them? How much will parent be responsible to contribute financially?

Even day-to-day life poses various challenges when it comes to adjusting to a single-parent lifestyle after years of marriage. One woman recently blogged about the issue, saying she often feels guilty when she has time to herself. She said as soon as her children go home to their father, she misses them and longs for their return, which comes about every other weekend.

The court typically believes that most children fare best when they spend equal amounts of time with both parents after divorce. For some parents, a new arrangement means they’ll actually be more active in their children’s lives than they were when they were still married. Some say they believe divorce often presents opportunity to improve one’s parenting skills.

While most Missouri parents who divorce hope for smooth sailing when it comes to forging a new parenting plan, the reality is often something far different. Contentious debates and unresolved issues may thwart even the best intentions to help children adapt to new lifestyles. Generally speaking, the more quickly problems are resolved, the better for all involved. Many find that enlisting help from experienced family law attorneys increases the chances of obtaining fair and agreeable outcomes to parenting-related problems during divorce proceedings.

Source:, “Omaha mom: How a divorce can lead to improved parenting“, Angela Dunne, Accessed on May 8, 2017

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