
Appropriate guidance may help avoid child custody problems

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Child Custody on Tuesday, October 18, 2016.

Divorce is seldom easy, as many Missouri couples undoubtedly know. When children are involved, situations often become quite complicated, especially if there has been a breakdown in communication between parents. Seeking appropriate guidance to help negotiate child custody and other family-related matters may help former spouses avoid contentious courtroom battles.

One former couple has reportedly been fighting over their children for six years. After they divorced, the mother is said to have taken the two children out of the country without their father’s permission. A long battle ensued, and both girls were eventually brought back to the United States.

Since April 2015, they have lived with their father. Their mother is allowed to have unsupervised visits with them 30 percent of the time. She is apparently not satisfied with this arrangement, however, and has sought a modification of the existing court order, requesting that she be allowed to move the girls to Argentina.

A therapist who has observed the girls in their new lifestyle with their dad has stated that they have acclimated to their new school and community very well. She also told the court that moving the girls away from their father may prove detrimental to their emotional health. Another evaluator agreed with this assessment and further recommended that the girls’ father be given sole decision-making authority for both of his daughters. Parents in Missouri and elsewhere often have difficulty resolving child custody issues without experienced intervention; many have obtained successful results by acting alongside guidance from family law attorneys.

Source:, “Colorado International Child Custody Battle Nears End“, Oct. 17, 2016

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